Most frequent questions and answers

YES! Our unconditional guarantee is that you receive the best service ever, or it’s free.

AYour service provider will consult with you prior to the service to find out your goals and preferences, and can make recommendations if appropriate. She or he will let you know what to expect, and will find out if you have any special needs or concerns.

During facials, your esthetician will remove your make-up for you. If you are scheduled for a body treatment and would like to remove your makeup beforehand, we will provide you with Aveda make-up removal products. We now carry the Aveda Make-up line and offer a free make-up touch up after any service!

We highly recommend making reservations in advance, but feel free to call on short notice, as we may have an opening or cancellation. A credit card will be necessary to hold your reservation.

We pride ourselves on providing service to all of our clients in a timely and professional manner. Your promptness is greatly appreciated and required to properly serve you. In the event that you are running late, you will be billed for the entire session. However; as a courtesy to other clients, we can only conduct your session within your scheduled appointment.